Thursday, October 8, 2009

10.8.09 - Send Lawyers, Guns and Money

In preparation for my final fashion project of my college career, I decided to hit Missoula with two of my friends, Jake Griffith and Kyle Ballard, and do a test shoot.

The original inspiration came as I was brainstorming ideas in my living room with my iTunes on shuffle. The opening notes of the late Warren Zevon's hit "Send Lawyers, Guns, and Money" played from my laptop as the film Ocean's 11 played silently on the television. I immediately knew that I wanted to do a shoot that combined some elements from both the song and the film.

I called up the boys, "Grab your suits, grab your guns (unloaded, of course) and I'll pick you up when I get off of work."

We went up past Mansion Heights in the south side of Missoula and the following photos are what came of it.

Thoughts on the photos?


1 comment:

EMiller said...

Loved this photo shoot! Good work. They look like such bad asses. Too bad, I know them differently. Kyle's "to pretty" to really shoot a gun. HA! But seriously, good work Conn.